High incidence of hydrocephalus among Saudi Arabian population can be linked to prohibition of abortion in the country and consanguinity marriages. Extent of this neurological problem in the community needs to be effectively addressed along with improvement in treatments and premarital counseling. It may be possible to reduce the number of hydrocephalus cases in the country. Another common problem with VP shunt surgery in Saudi Arabia is found to be infection from neurosurgery and malfunction of the device. These still remain as common complications of VP shunt surgery. Along with this neurosurgery cost in Saudi Arabia is also on the higher side. In fact the high neurosurgery cost in Saudi Arabia, including VP shunt surgery, is one of the driving factors as to why more and more people are seeking good quality of neurosurgery in other countries like India. 


What is Hydrocephalus?

Buildup of excessive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in brain is medically termed as hydrocephalus. While normal quantity of CSF is required for cushioning the brain, too much of CSF exerts harmful pressure within the brain. This most often is a congenital birth defect caused by genetic problems during the developmental phase of a fetus. The main sign and symptom of a child affected with hydrocephalus is the unusually large size of the head. Other signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus include headache, blurry vision, balance problems, bladder control problems, nausea, vomiting and problems associated with thinking and memory. Moreover, hydrocephalus can permanently damage the patient’s brain and cause problems with the physical and mental development of the child.

VP Shunt Surgery as Treatment of Hydrocephalus

Ventriculoperitoneal Shunting surgery is known as VP shunt surgery in short. This involves implanting a device within the patient’s brain that can help in draining the excessive cerebrospinal fluid which has collected in the brain. Normally performed under the influence of general anesthesia, VP shunt surgery operation takes about 60 – 90 minutes to complete. The VP shunt device involves placing a fluid pump beneath the skin and behind the ear of the patient. The valve of this pump opens whenever extra pressure builds up within brain and drains excessive CSF into the chest or belly area of the patient through a catheter.

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